Celebrity Seer John Cohan is world famous and his career has spanned more than four decades as the Psychic to the Stars. He started as a child and today is known worldwide as a respected,well loved man. John was the Boyfriend/Lover of screen Legend Sandra Dee up until her death. He is in 8 books to date. Has been in Cindy Adams New York Post column with his Exclusives and Yearly Predictions for the last 27 years in a row. His Past and Present Pals/clients reads like Who's Who in the Entertainment Industry/World.Natalie Wood,River Phoenix,Elizabeth Taylor,Tony Curtis,Ruby Dee,Lana Wood,Michael Jackson and Nicole Brown Simpson to name just a few. Now right here he makes his 2014 Predictions....
1. Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton will continue their war towards each other and it has a bad ending to it. Lindsay and Paris come to blows with each other. Lindsay will be the winner in this mess.
2. Cabaret Singer Michael Feinstein and Entertainer Jim Caruso from the famous Birdland Nightclub in NYC will make headlines when their brawl turns into a media frenzy.
3.Tracey Bregman of the Soap Oepra "Young and the Restless" will finally get the Pink Slip that has been long overdue.
4. Corey Monteith's untimely death will be reopened and it will be discovered it wasn't an overdose from his own hands but other hands involved that caused his demise.
5.Victoria Principal the Beautiful and talented businesswoman will have a Fab comeback. An Emmy nomination around the corner.
6. The late Celeste Holm's husband Singer Frank Basile will find a comforting shoulder to rest on. Kathryn Crosby and he will become an item.
7. Miley Cyrus and Lenny Kravitz discover each other in the most close way.
8. Radio Host Rita Crosby comes face to face with her "Karma" now in effect. Rita's past comes back to haunt her.She realizes that what one gives out,comes back in other forms. She will face her inner demons.
9. Soap Star beauty Brenda Dickson and her new book "My True Hidden Hollywood" gets thumbs up and great new ventures for her,
10. Renee Taylor's house in Beverly Hills is haunted by unsettled,mean spirits. A Medium is need asap.
Reality TV Star Michelle Whitedove was crowned "America's #1 Psychic" by Lifetime TV. She proved her supernatural abilities on the competitive reality show "America's Psychic Challenge" where she was awarded this title of distinction. Worldwide the Psychic Challenge Franchise has achieved great success because of the ever increasing interest in psychic phenomena, authentic spirit communication, and the paranormal.
As an expert in her field, Whitedove has been featured on ABC, CBS, FOX, WGN, PBS-TV, Telemundo, City TV, and NPR. For more than ten years she has worked as a professional psychic medium, and spiritual teacher. There's a series of books that she's written about her adventures, and her insights into the journey of the soul to help you the spiritual seeker expand your personal truth.
Currently Whitedove is working on her next book and she continues to conduct readings on TV Shows, Radio Programs, and Psychic Readings by Telephone. She works as a Medical Intuitive, Spiritual Life Coach, Business Consultant, Psychic Investigator, and Futurist.
Predictions by Celebrity Psychic Michelle 2014 and beyond written on Dec 17, 2013:
Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson - It’s so wonderful to see a man that is openly grateful for his blessings. He honors God, his family and his fans every step of the way. He has transformed from a football star to a mega wrestling star – soon he will be recognized as the next big action hero. Warning; The Rock needs to let the professional stunt men do their job- if not, I see a back injury that could hinder his action star abilities.
Reality TV Royalty Willie Robertson CEO of Duck Dynasty has undiagnosed health issues looming. As a health intuitive I see diabetes and heart issues that are manifesting. Willie and Korie are soul mates so I pray that Willie will catch this in time to derail a heart attack. His big Christian family depends on him. They are good souls.
Pope Francis will give new life to the church and he will make great strides for the poor. I see him as The Bridge – for those people that lost faith in Catholicism, they can return to the fold. He will build up the church congregations especially with Latinos. Francis will remain the Pope until his death and he will be remembered for his good works.
Billionaire entrepreneur Elon Musk will one day successfully colonize Mars. I see a launch fatality: one of the rockets will blow up if precautions aren’t taken. It would be sad if a SpaceX ship became our modern day Titanic since the tickets will be affordable only to the super wealthy. I predict that Mars will be colonized before the moon. 2016 will be a key year for SpaceX. I wonder when they will disclose what is already on Mars?
Jennifer Lawrence who plays Katniss in The Hunger Game is career driven, she is on fire and headed for super stardom. I see nothing but success. Marriage is off in the distant future although when she does marry it will be a very private event, no paparazzi. She will marry an unknown.
It will be a miracle if Edward Snowden survives; he’s a moving target. I don’t know who has more real threats on their life Snowden or President Obama.
Diva Gwyneth Paltrow’s marriage will be in jeopardy - the many affairs of both wife and her husband Chis Martin of Cold Play will be exposed and I don’t believe that their union can survive the public scrutiny. Gwyneth’s good girl image is a part that she plays for her fans.
Miley Cyrus will go to rehab although she will continue to sow her wild oats.
Kate and Prince William are currently trying to conceive their second heir and give baby George a playmate. I see that Prince William will be the next King of England and Kate will be loved by the people much like Princess Diana.
Diva Gwyneth Paltrow’s marriage will be in jeopardy - the many affairs of both wife and her husband Chis Martin of Cold Play will be exposed and I don’t believe that their union can survive the public scrutiny. Gwyneth’s good girl image is a part that she plays for her fan
THE CELEBRITIES PSYCHIC NANCY BRADLEY IS THE FOREMOST PSYCHIC OF OUR TIME. SHE IS ON GOOD DAY SACRAMENTO CW#31 CBS, the TRAVEL CHANNEL’S HAUNTED HOTELS, and the SYFY CHANNEL’S HAUNTED HIGHWAYS among many other National Television shows. She is an award winning author of 5 books on the paranormal, and she Reads for at least 12 clients most days, is a Life Coach, Hypnotist, does Past Life Regressions, and helps supports many animal rights organizations. More about Nancy can be found on her web: WWW.NANCYBRADLEY.ORG
1. Expect more rhetoric and threats from No Korea and China.
2. Iran will violate some terms of the treaty causing tension with Israel.
3. There will be the death of a celebrity icon, actress, singer, dancer, putting an end to the era of Old Hollywood.
4. Deaths eminent for a superstar songstress, also an older sexy star that appeared to all more lovely with each passing year,
also leaving us will be a beloved television actress, also an icon, and several well-known sports heroes.
5. More school shootings, and terrorist sympathies harming innocent people at public events. Be very careful at large events.
6. Much problems with the airline industry, financially and airline accidents at record numbers.
7. It will be exposed that all nuclear power plants across the world, are leaking, especially those on or around earthquake faults, and
this will force talks of finding safer energy sources and shutting down these plants. HOPEFULLY NOT TOO LATE!
8. It will be found that over 35% of all sea creatures and sea life is affected because of exposure to nuclear and oil contamination,
causing people to stand up and fight to save the worlds’ oceans.
9. Either 6 pt. or better earthquakes, flooding, tornadoes, draught, explosions or volcanic earth eruptions will affect the following
countries and places: Japan, Mexico (BAHA in particular,) the Philippines, Columbia, Costa Rica, Egypt, Mideast, Nicaragua,
Fiji, Peru, No. and So. Korea, Canada, Australia, the Cayman Islands, many of the small islands, Pakistan, Africa, Russia,
Taiwan, Turkey, Greece, Guam, England, China, Spain Venezuela, Indonesia, New Zealand, El Salvador, Ecuador, Chili, Iran,
Argentina, Panama, and New Guinea for just some. In THE U.S, California heavy hit, Eureka area, near San Francisco,
San Simeon, Southern Ca, and there will be many cluster quakes, some sizeable all across the US. Be aware of some VERY
HEAVY OFF SHORE earthquakes in the Pacific, Atlantic and other Oceans. There will be tsunami warnings for across the
world, including the U.S. If you want a detailed list of sizeable quakes across the U.S., (over 4. pts.), NOT including
California, they could be in Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Illinois, Ohio, Nevada, Colorado, Arkansas, Nebraska,
Texas, Oklahoma, Idaho, Virginia, New Mexico, Delaware, Kentucky, Arizona, Nevada, Hawaii, Alaska and Washington
State. All of New England should be on alert. Puerto Rico could especially be in trouble.
10. GOOD NEWS (except for Real Estate agents) ~ Real Estate will go down again this winter and spring, DO NOT BUY HIGH!
11. Coldest winter in a long time for the U.S. Bundle up!
12. More political pain for President Obama as his opposition creates worse and worse headlines in an attempt to control voters.
IF her health and Bill’s holds, Hillary Clinton WILL RUN FOR PRESIDENT in the next election with a positive outlook.
Long Island's own JANET RUSSELL is a psychic/medium/spiritual advisor and a TV Host on one of New York's top cable access shows, the psychic program "Beyond the Unexplained". Janet has been featured on shows such as A&E Paranormal State, as well as, PIX Channel 11 Haunted NY which was nominated for an “Emmy” award and PIX CH11 Psychic to the Stars. She has been mentioned in several books and worked with police on the infamous Katie Beers kidnapping case where a 9 year old girl was miraculously found alive 17 days later. She has also worked with New York police on several murder cases during her career. Janet's predictions for 2014 are:
More changes in the weather I am hoping I am wrong but I do feel that we will get a big blast of winter weather and we will be snowed in for days, with no electric/phone or heat. But this will open up more
togetherness for families to interact.
Hurricanes yes one more big one, but hopefully we have learned from the past one that we had that totally destroyed so many homes out here in Long Island. I also feel that we will be depending more on alternative
types of heating and cooling such as weather vanes and solar. As well as coal stoves. We will be regressing in a way but we need to become more connected instead of always on the computer, cell phones and the like
POLITICS I personally like our president, I do feel that he has the best for the people its just taking some time for us to see that, I am concerned about his health I do feel that he may have some back issues, that he
needs to take care of I am hoping that he goes the holistic way of acupuncture or reiki instead of being operated on, but again that is up to him and his family.
WOMENS ISSUES This I truly love because I see and know of so many powerful women that want to promote great things, this is going to be the year of the WOMEN yea we raise families, become breadwinners, do all the same things that our counter part men can do ( and I do admire and love men)
But guys we are going to surpass you in so many endeavors this year. So just go with it, and yes HILLARY CLINTON will be the next president. I so admire her in so many ways of her insight, and her trials and tribulations that she has endured.
MOVIE STARS Lots of changes coming there way ok lets start with
GEORGE CLOONEY one of my favorite stars feel he will take the plung and get married but to someone from another country and he may become a daddy. He is a solid Taurean and family will become very important to him this year , he will be named as one of the great actors as well so check out some of the
Awards that will be coming his way I see him doing more directing as well and hey we may even see him doing some work here in long island you never know
BRAD PITT I like him love that he takes care of so many children very important to him but I feel that he will be going thru a very confused time, he wants to make the right decisions but feel he is being pulled in many directions now.
ANGELINA JOLIE I predicted a few years ago that she and her dad would make up and they did, I do admire her work with the children and her connections with those in need. But I also feel that she constantly needs assurance and gets bored very easily, hope that boredom doesn't affect her marriage
TYLER PERRY He has paid his dues and this upcoming year should be free of sacrifices, Nice energy around him.
JAMIE FOX Love this guy he is so funny, I feel that he will be doing a lot of out of country events, lots of giving back, home is extremely important to him, But he will be there for many he is a gift to many Thank God, he likes to do things annonoumously that and this year he will help many .
DENZEL WASHINGTON Another favorite of mine, I feel he will start a fundraising group to help many underprivelaged and special needs children, I do feel that it will start in another country and become very big here in the United States.
For our Beloved Animals, we need to take care of them because they give us unconditional love and we need to give it back.
So for now that is my 2014 Predictions to contact Janet you can call at 631 654 3353 email rosebudsjanet@msn.com or check out my website it will be updated soon http://janetrussellpresents.com
For me I will be doing many great things in 2014 of course my Fundraisers ( very important to give back)
I have been approached to do a Reality Show, as well as a Documentary and Two new TV series. So time will tell and we shall see Till Next Year Stay Positive with Positive People Remember we can be successful in all of our endeavors, Just be there help the unfortunate, it could be one of us, Keep God in your life, And know that you are Loved Many Blessings Janet Russell Intutive/Spiritual Medium

Nikki Rogers- Psychic To The Stars- has been clairvoyant all her life. She is an audient clairvoyant - the ability to see and hear and come up with specifics. Nikki's father had the gift as well.
Nikki is known all over the world. Some of her clients include well-known movie stars, politicians, people from the sports world and business world, as well as the world of entertainment. Here are some of Nikki's predictions for 2014:
Mathew Mcconaughey will be nominated for an Oscar.
Pregnancy for Rhianna. Another pregnancy for Kim Kardashian.
Sex scandal around a celebrity tv judge. Downfall of another celebrity chef.
Another royal pregnancy for William and Kate. Scandal around Prince Edward.
A split between Celine Dion and husband. A split between Annette Bening and Warren Beatty. A split between Barbra Streiisand and James Brolin. A split between Kelley Ripa and Mark Consuela. Miley Cyrus in a full body cast.
"12 Years A Slave" winning numerous awards.
Angelina Jolie has to watch health.
A giant sinkhole in Egypt. Corruption around a major us bank. Empire State Building tipping.
Power blackout worldwide. Explosion and riots in Detroit, Michigan. A riot at a sports stadium Brazil.
A tight rope walker will walk above an expansion bridge. Stands collapsing at a sorting event.
A tradgedy in the swiss alps. A shark kills someone in Coney Island, New York. Another terrorist attack new york. A causeway will collapse in florida. Major earthquake in Lima, Peru and volcano.
President Obama in danger.
I hope everybody has a fantastic New Year!
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