In the second part of predictions for 2011, four more of our world famous psychics look into the future to give us their visions of what they foresee in the new year!
Josephine is a Long Island based, world renowned psychic, medium, lecturer whose knowledge and gift has helped thousands of people from all walks of life. She has been the resident psychic with the renowned “Morning Radio host Phathead from WMJC FM [94.3.)" Ms. Ghiringhelli, has been teaching PSYCHIC AND SPIRITUAL DEVELOPMENT CLASSES for the last 20 years at varying locations. She now teaches at the Enchanting Cottage in Bluepoint, New York. This is what she sees for 2011...
I have been asked over and over again about the 2012 Pole Shift-Mayan, I Ching and Nostradamus predictions, which is that the world is going to end on December 21st, 2012. My prediction, I am happy to say, is that the world is NOT going to end. All is subject to change based on other factors as I will further explain along the way in my predictions.
I believe that over the last decade, specifically from when the Twin Towers came tumbling down, that something very magical happened to us as a society. we opened up, we united in spirit, and we sent an energy out into the universe which changed the course of our destiny.
I see no end to this war in the year 2011. With that said, slowly, little by little..I do see troops coming home. Continue to send lots of love and light to our courageous servicemen and women, it does help!
President Obama continues struggling internally while maintaining a cool exterior. I see a health scare for him around mid year with a short term hospitalization.
Health care continues to stay in a confused state of affairs. Although I see many changes to the overall health care policies, dismay will continue throughout the year
The first lady Michelle Obama continues to be a strong force behind the scenes. However on a lighter note, her fashion sense will set the tone for strong fashion statements this year.
In the first three or four months there will be a rapid rise in stocks and bonds. Invest wisely and watch your money grow!
Lindsay Lohan continues to struggle in her battle with addiction. I feel an opportunity of love enters into her life which can make or break her long time battle. I hope she makes the right decision. He is a keeper, good luck Lindsay!
Britney Spears has a bright year ahead of her. Career opportunities find their way to her and happiness allows her to feel joy once again. I also feel thoughts of having another child has been on her mind.
Oprah Winfrey, after 25 years, disclosed to Barbara Walters that she is scared going into her new venture. She is frightened that Own Productions may not be as successful as Harpo Productions. I feel the people will pull back a bit at first but then very quickly get past the change and respond in a positive way. Ultimately, her new show will be a success.
JOHN COHAN- Psychic To The Stars
....John is a world famous for his predictions and his celebrity clients that reads like a who's who in Hollywood. He has made numerous radio and TV appearances and his new book "Catch A Falling Star" was recently published. John offered these predictions for 2011...
Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes will break up...She leaves the religion he has.
Angelina Jolie has a breakdown. Needs to leave film making a while to get better.
Comebacks for Connie Francis, Jeff Conaway, Lana Wood and Ryan O'Neal!
...Marie is quickly becoming is premier psychic medium in both Long Island and New York State. She is internationally recognized with gifts that leave her fans breathless. Her visions for 2011 include....
As I am typing this, I keep typing 2001 and I realize it and change it to 2011. There is a connection between these two years. I have a fear in me and cannot explain to people how to prepare for such a large scale event while the terrorists use a small devise. Prepare for a small nuclear attack in Washington (especially), New York (especially), Chicago, Seattle, Los Angeles and Dallas. The government agencies should not only use their watch lists but also look for anyone nervous looking and be ready for something that looks ordinary but is not. I don't care for being politically correct because I am for defending ourselves any way we can. People in these areas should be on their guard at all times in 2011. I am seeing multiple attacks. Similar to the 9/11 hit on the Twin Towers. The US is not strong enough defensively to counter this attack. People are asleep at the wheel. The recent attempt in Maryland was a practice run. I hear the word "tryout".
I am being told about an earthquake in Havana/Honduras/Hawaii not sure which of these places but I am hearing the H sound. These are the ones I saw first for April or May 2011. I am leaning towards Honduras- they should brace for another quake.
I see a problem with the stock exchange. I am being shown a dramatic drop - a huge drop going further than the previous recent drops. Perhaps computer stops and limits are going to be bypassed or will fail, because I am being shown a drop to almost zero and then the market stabilizes at a very low level. When I say zero, a it may not be literally zero but may be a way to show a significant drop. the likes of which we haven't seen in our lifetimes. After this drop,the market will stay at this low level for some time and then start to creep up..
The economy is very week. weaker than the government and the press is reporting. It is very fragile and will not be able to withstand much of the battering (which is another form of terrorism).
I see a tropical tree swaying in strong winds or a storm. I interpret this to mean: death or destruction will bring significant change. Unpredictable forces and religion are the basis for this destruction. People have to put their feelings aside and determine how they want to deal with the terrorism and whoever is behind it. Right now, the "weather" cannot be controlled. It will cause destruction and death until one energy can guide the planet. Weather in this vision is equated to terrorism
PSYCHIC MARY ROSE.....Mary Rose is very familiar to the New York public through appearances on news channels like Inside Edition, Court TV due to the high profile cases of the Katie Beers, Eve Brown case, the Patrick J. McNeill which involved the finding of the missing god nephew of Cardinal O'Connor of Manhattan's St. Patrick's Cathedral which was filmed for Court TV episode number 451 titled "Sign of the Cross" which aired April 26, 2006, and many other cases as well. The FBI, government agencies and police often ask her for assistance in unsolved murders and missing people. Mary is a resident of Bay Shore, New York. Here are Mary's predictions for the coming year....
There will be stronger high seas in 2011 causing more disastrous levels to major cruise lines.Heavy industrial construction jobs to open up in mid March.
A multitude of foreclosures will be given money to help people stay in there homes.
Chase Bank will have trouble. I see it restructuring. Bank of America and Citibank see improvement by March.
I see a major revamping of Social Security. Retirement age will be moved from 65 to a higher number.
The new health system will not work.
There will be a change in the power industry, specifically LIPA. Steve Levy will be responsible for implementing a new method of clean power.
Foreign travel will get very restricted. A closer look will be paid to Canada's borders in regard to US Homeland Security.
Big adjustments to school boards as far as finances are concerned in the upper echelon. I see a huge overhaul coming.
Swiss bank accounts to be thoroughly investigated.
Any and all communications will be more intensely monitored by Homeland Security.
Major upheaval in the Senate. We will lose some senior senators.
There will be a lot of long range missile activity as we approach 2012. Most will be concentrated in the Asian Nation area drawing us into it in 2012.
Homeland security will get beefed up big time. People will resent it but they are incorrect as it is for their own good.
The public needs to become more personal with the banks and branch personnel rather than doing most business on the internet
The equity of small security firms will increase as each is asked by Homeland Security to join them due to their expertise in that field.
The United States should beware of all types of security theft..even extending itself into the space program.
Abnormal weather patterns in 2011. Forecasters should not underestimate. They would be better to overestimate.
Upcoming Federal investigations into pharmaceutical companies and the FDA for approving drugs that are now in multiple lawsuits for their side effects.
Broadway is in for a big change. There will be less shows per week per theater in order to conserve and preserve our theater district.
For more info on MARY ROSE...www,maryrosepsychicastrologercourttv.com
For more info on PSYCHIC MARIE...www.PsychicMediumMarie.com
For more info on Psychic JOSEPHINEHIRINGHELLI...http://www.josephinege.com/home.htm
JOHN COHAN can be found at http://www.facebook.com/people/John-Cohan/100000005552238
His book "Catch A Falling Star" can be found in bookstores and Amazon.com
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